Famous Abstract Art

Types of Famous Abstract Art

Types of Famous Abstract Art

Types of Famous Abstract Art.

There are different types of abstractisms, which we detail below:


1) Abstract expressionism:

It is based on emotion, the expressiveness of color, and the psychological manifestations of the artist. Totally rejects figuration. Its founder was Vasily Kandinsky, followed by other artists such as Paul Klee, Francisco Hung, Armando Barrios, Hugo Baptiste, Enrique Ferrer, etc.

2) Neoplasticism:

Mondrián preferred this term to geometric abstractionism, due to the fact that he maintained that his work was not an abstraction but a metaphor of reality. In reality, it is an art that excludes all kinds of emotions, since it is governed by mathematical rules and the radical simplification of geometry. Among his notable artists are The Van Deosburg, Mercedes Pardo and Pedro Briceño.

3) Constructivism:

It is a three-dimensional artistic manifestation, and was proposed by the Russians Vladimir Tatlin, Alexander Rodchenko and Casimir Malévitsch.

Venezuela is an example of this plastic manifestation, where the works are widely and artistically represented. Among other authors, Domenico Cassasanta, Esteban Castillo, Oswaldo Subero and Edgar Guinand stand out.

4) Informalism:

It is a non-geometric abstract art, which claims the materiality of painting and its multiple technical possibilities. This form of abstractism rejects the figurative and non-figurative form, which is why it assumes color as its material and subject of the painting. The forms it can take are a direct extension of the artist’s expression.

Types of Famous Abstract Art.

In this field we highlight several artists such as Georges Matchieu, Hans Hartung, Jean Fautrier, Jackson Pallock, Alberto Burri, Antonio Saura, Arschile Gorky, Franz Kline, Mark Rothko, etc.


5) Lyrical Abstractionism:

Calm, stillness, balance and harmony are the basic principles and therefore the themes used in this type of abstractism.

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