The World's First Flying Attempt

The World’s First Flying Attempt

The World’s First Flying Attempt

The World’s First Flying Attempt. 

The person who made the first flying attempt in the world is İsmail, son of Hamid, father of the great scientist Cevheri of Turkish origin, who was born in the city of Farab (Otrar) in the Turkish country called Transoxiana within the borders of the Ghaznavid State. Cevheri is known as a scholar who loves travel since his youth. He went to Iraq and Hejaz to increase his knowledge of Arabic and lived among tribes speaking ancient and pure Arabic.

The World’s First Flying Attempt:

After his extensive research on Arabic culture and language, Cevheri would write one of the largest Arabic dictionaries (Kitâbu’s – Sıhah). He also visited the major scientific centers of that time, Iran and Damascus, and established relations with the scholars there. While he was working in other branches of science, he also mastered this art to such an extent that he was compared to the most famous calligraphers of the time.


In addition to theology and literature:

He was also interested in physics, natural sciences and mathematics. Finally, he settled in the city of Nishapur in Khorasan and started teaching his knowledge to the public and students in the Great Mosque. While he was working as a teacher, he was also the imam of the Grand Mosque. He wrote grammar and dictionary books during this period. He earned his living by selling the Qurans and other works he wrote in beautiful handwriting. His most well-known work is his valuable dictionary called Sıhah, which was first translated into Turkish by Piri Mehmed and later by Vankulu and published as the first book of the İbrahim Müteferrika printing house.


While he was studying science, he carefully watched the flights of large birds soaring high above without flapping their wings and made calculations that unfortunately are not possible today.


One day (around 1002 AD), he went to the roof of the mosque in Nishapur and addressed the people as follows:

“O people, I have discovered a work that is unique in this world, and future people have not had the chance to conceive of knowledge.” The gathered people listened to the imam and his teachers with astonishment, some thought he had lost his mind. He tied his body to two large surfaces with ropes and declared that he would fly and threw himself into the void. Unfortunately, the wing planes did not carry Cevheri, and he died after hitting the ground violently. This move of Cevheri was considered very strange at the time. The World’s First Flying Attempt Cevheri is the first known Turkish aviation martyr.


Source: Turks in Aviation History, 1971


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