The 5 most important paintings by Salvador Dalí

The 5 Most Important Paintings by Salvador Dali

The 5 Most Important Paintings by Salvador Dali

The 5 most important paintings by Salvador Dali.

One of the most important artists of our country is Salvador Dali. This artist born in Figures in 1904 has left us many works of art within surrealist art.


This artist’s works of art are analyzed through the dream function, although not all experts think that his works should be analyzed in this way. But if you are interested in knowing his main paintings, you are in the right place. In this article we are going to show you his 5 main works.


First days of spring:

It is one of the artist’s best-known paintings, which dates back to 1929. It is a masterpiece from the artist’s early period. As usual, the painting is surrealist art and shows a Catalan landscape within his style. As we can see if we examine the painting, in the painting we can find a great variety of figures, many of them are realistic and many others are abstract, the combination being perfect.


Among other things, in this painting we can see a father and a son separated. This is because he felt far from his father, because he himself wanted another future for his son.


The Persistence of Memory:

Perhaps this is the painting best known to the vast majority of people, remembering that it was painted in 1931. Of course, it was not shown in the New York gallery Levy Galley until a year later.


In the painting we can see how the clocks are falling apart, creating a really striking image that gives everyone who views the painting something to think about. This painting includes the theory of hardness and softness, as explained in this article about Salvador Dali’s paintings.


The great masturbator:

We are talking about another work made by the artist in 1929 and which is highly valued among art lovers and especially surrealist art.


The work can be a little complicated to understand due to its surrealism. But if we look at the work a little closely, we can highlight a distorted face with closed eyes looking at the ground. On the back we see a woman with bleeding knees approaching the man’s crotch, hence the name of the work. And it is thought that the author wanted to show his masturbatory fantasy through this work.


The temptation of San Antonio:

This work of art dates back to 1946, so the artist already had more experience in the art world.


In this work we can see 3 of man’s most important temptations. These temptations are triumph through the horse, sexuality through the woman on the horse and wealth and greed through the pyramids and the house of gold. It is a work of art that is worth viewing for a while to get the most out of it.


Burning Giraffe:

This painting was painted in 1937 and stands out for being painted just before Dali’s exile. And despite the fact that the artist always communicated that politics did not interest him, the dictatorship forced him to leave the country, at which time he traveled to the United States. If you want to know more about his exile, read this article.


For this reason, it is said that the giraffe is a symbol of the artist’s concern for what was happening in our country. Furthermore, in this article we can see two women with drawers on their bodies. It is a painting that for many people has high political value.


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