Origin and History of Tibetan Bowls

Origin and History of Tibetan Bowls

Origin and History of Tibetan Bowls

Origin and History of Tibetan Bowls.

Tibetan bowls have become very famous in recent decades, mainly because they are reaching the West in a mass way. Many skeptical people think that it is just a decorative element and that it has begun to be sold as something that comes from Tibet created by Buddhists and that it has curative and healing elements but that is not really the case, while on the other hand it is You can find people who do think that they come from these regions and that they are used by monks to calm and improve their meditation.

In this guide we want to tell you about the authentic origin and history of Tibetan bowls so that you can have all the information about them.


Mysterious origin of Tibetan bowls:

There are many theories about the mysterious origin of these bowls that produce noise when a series of movements are applied to them. One of the most common is the one that tells us that for centuries this type of container has been used as bowls for food and that they are very useful mainly because being made of metal they do not end up spoiling as quickly as could happen with clay ones, and by not using plastic elements in these most sacred regions, it has been thought that its primary use was as a container for ointments or any other type of healing element such as ointments created with leaves and other types of plant or flower elements.


It is true that there is no exact data that says in which year the first Tibetan bowl was produced, so this theory is what many skeptics think is a purely commercial product, however, there are other ways of Check the history of these healing elements that can help you in meditation.


The metal of Tibetan bowls:

One of the characteristics that are most present in Tibetan bowls and that is given the greatest importance is the metals with which they have been produced or manufactured. It is known that the mixture of metals is greater than seven and if it does not have this number, we will be talking about a model that either has not been manufactured by Tibetan experts or does not have sufficient quality to produce noise.

As you can see in the comparison made at https://salud10.top/cuencos-tibetanos/ on the best Tibetan bowls that are on sale today, all of them have at least seven different metals, this being a reference, first of all, to a number that for many religions and in particular the Buddhist religion is very important and has a great healing charge, but also because thanks to this mixture of components and even many more, including copper, nickel and iron.

This manufacturing is done in the traditional way imported from India to this country, except for what is usually believed to be carried out in factories, so it is precisely this detail that makes us see that the production of Tibetan bowls comes from and It is made in an artisanal way by artisans from Tibet.


What do the Dalai Lamas think of Tibetan singing bowls?

To talk about Tibetan bowls we have to refer to the highest entity in the land of Buddhists, the Dalai Lama. In the history of this religion there have been many who have wanted to speak out about it, with some of them not identifying it or who have simply never used it.

However, for others, it is an element that is widely used, mainly by those people who enter as Buddhist monks and who begin in this religion but who do not know very well how to concentrate and leave their minds blank.


Those Dalai Lamas who have claimed to know this instrument have sometimes spoken of it saying that thanks to its melody and its surrounding sound, initiated monks are able to continue with meditation for longer, something that would not be possible without use this element, since their minds are not yet prepared for maximum concentration and that is why they require instruments of this type to reach the necessary state of meditation.


Conclusions on the origin and history of Tibetan bowls

As you have seen, there is no reliable theory about the creation of Tibetan bowls nor a clear origin, which makes them much more mystical and magical elements.

What has been proven is that they are objects that can help relax the body and mind thanks to the sound they produce and that, as you can imagine, relaxation and meditation in the West is the order of the day because it is being proven that It is very necessary for the mind to free itself once and for all from the negative energies that usually surround us, whether from work, television or social networks.


Whether or not they have their origin in Tibet, the benefits obtained with just five or ten minutes with the sound of these bowls and a little incense while you perform breathing techniques, will make your mind healthier and healthier every morning.

with more strength to face any problem you may encounter and you will even feel in a different mood and with much more energy, so we can say that they do have these healing elements that they promote so much.

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