Ideas for an Art History TFG

Ideas for an Art History TFG

Ideas for an Art History TFG

Ideas for an Art History TFG

Now that you are about to finish your Art History degree, you are in one of the most important phases: taking the TFG to obtain a good grade and thus be able to obtain the degree that you have been waiting for for so many years. To do a good job it is essential to create a good title and from that moment develop the idea that we have in mind.


Main ideas for doing an Art History TFG:

If you are clear that you want to carry out the work yourself, then we are going to show you ideas that will surely be useful to you when it comes to obtaining a good grade. With these ideas and with information that you obtain through different means, it will surely be very easy for you to finish the job.


Decorative arts :

it is one of the most interesting sections in the history of art, hence it is an idea that many students use for their own benefit. It is important to assess the approach we want to give it, but normally the social and cultural approach is usually an interesting option. We must value the ideas and budgets of the time on which we are focusing. Without forgetting the civil and religious world. This way we will get a complete job.

History of cinema in Spain :

another option may be to focus our work on the history of cinema in our country. This modern artistic manifestation offers us many topics to talk about and thus give our opinion from different points of view. It all began in 1897, that is, we can focus only on the origins, on a certain stage or directly take a tour of the entire history. Everything will depend on what your objectives are and what you want to demonstrate with the TFG that you are about to develop.

History of photography :

it is a topic that I personally highly recommend. There are many options from which to approach the idea and you can obtain high-quality work with little information you obtain. The world of photos is very wide, so you can do a job or two if you set your mind to it. You just have to choose the stage and genre that interests you most and the work will be done almost by itself. It is a perfect idea if you like old photography. Not only will you learn, but the work will not be complicated.

Artistic heritage :

if you are lucky enough to live or study in a city with an important historical heritage, this topic will not disappoint you. You can get a lot of information and you can give the work many focuses. For example, if you study at the University of Salamanca, you will be able to do work on how architecture in the city has evolved over the centuries. But there are many more options when it comes to focusing your work.

Collecting: it is a topic that many people do not focus on, but it is really a great idea when it comes to obtaining quality work in a simple way. You can focus the study on the different artistic collections that exist at the moment or focus on a specific one, such as the ancient age. To make it easier for you to do it, I recommend you opt directly for the collections that catch your attention the most. This way you will learn and above all you will make the work easier to do.

Art and politics :

it is not a subject suitable for all students. But if you are a fan of art and politics, it will surely be easy for you to develop it. You just have to focus on a historical period and develop the influence of the two sections. You can opt for ancient Greece or directly opt for the current century. With a little information and opinion you can do quality work with which to obtain a good grade. Furthermore, it is a very easy type of work to present, especially when we are clear about our ideas. We just have to give our opinion.

Art and new technologies :

if you are one of the students who are fascinated by art and new technologies, don’t look. You just found the idea you needed to be sure that you will be able to do quality work. You can give different types of orientations. For example, you can see how technology is influencing current art and is causing artists to work in a different way than they did in the past. You can be sure that the digital revolution is causing many changes in art, hence it is a topic for which you can opt and obtain a lot of information. Furthermore, it is a period that you are currently living through, so it will surely be easy for you to express your point of view. You can even add how you see the future of art thanks to this revolution.

These are some of the many topics that you can cover when doing the TFG. The important thing is to do it on something that interests us so that the work does not become difficult for us and consequently we get it done easily.

Ideas for an Art History TFG.

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