History And Origin Of Famous Abstract art

History And Origin Of Famous Abstract art

History And Origin Of Famous Abstract art

History And Origin Of Famous Abstract art.

Abstract art is the artistic style that emerged around 1910 and whose consequences have made it one of the most significant manifestations of the spirit of the 20th century.

Abstract art does not need to justify the representation of figures but rather tends to use its own visual language with varied meanings.

In its beginnings, abstract art gave rise to great controversies and disagreements. In fact, stylization and geometry were already used in prehistoric times. But with the passage of time it has become an inexhaustible source of ideas for the artists of our century and no one now dares to question its existence and identity as its own art.

The language used is based on the Fauvist experiences and sensations of the author, normally exalting the strength of color.


Constructive Abstractions:

There is also the expression with cubist structuring, which gives rise to different geometric and constructive abstractions.

The abstract tradition experienced an important revival in the United States starting in the late 1940s with Action Painting and Color-Field Painting . These trends were supplanted starting in 1960 by the appearance of minimalist art, which began a new period of interest in geometry and structure, a period of interest in Abstraction, which remains followed through severa artists stimulated through the maximum numerous motivations.

abstract sculpture Origin Of Famous Abstract art:

Abstraction in sculpture pursues the same purposes as in painting, although the same styles can hardly be recognized.

Among the non-figurative sculpture , Georges Vantongerloo stands out , who attempts the mathematical codification of the volumes, and Théo van Doesburg, both belonging to the Der Stijl group.

Antoine Pevsne r (1884–1965) is the most representative sculptor: Projection in space, Kinetic construction, Spectral Vision, Naum Gabó: Head of a woman, Celluloid and metal, Eduardo Chillida, with his monumental sculptures. The comb of the winds, In praise of the horizon, Three irons and Julio González.

Abstract Artists:

Vasily Kandinsky (1866-1944) is the great theorist of abstract art. He writes “Of the spiritual in art”, where he exposes his ideas and reflections on art. what it is and what the work of art is. In it he makes a declaration of principles. His painting aims to awaken the emotion of the viewer, in which only feelings should act.

He gives his paintings abstract, inconsequential titles, an attitude that other painters later imitated. Among his works, we highlight Puntas de arco, Alto, Lyrical, Impression V, Improvisation, Universal Judgment; Yellow Red Blue.

Paul Klee

(1879-1940) has a more symbolic character. He transforms the figures until they are unrecognizable. Among his works, The Child in the Landscape, Composition, In the Gray of the Night, Port and Sailboats.

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