Evolution of High-Heeled Shoes

History and Evolution of High-Heeled Shoes

History and Evolution of High-Heeled Shoes

History and evolution of high-heeled shoes.

In this article we are going to show you the history and evolution of heels in shoes. And despite the fact that heels surround us, very few people know their history. If you would like to know a little more about this story, I invite you to stay with us.


History of the heel in shoes:

Although we think that heels have been with us all our lives, it must be made clear that they are very old, but they are not as old as humanity.


According to the latest studies, it is estimated that heels could be just over 2000 years old , that is, when Jesus Christ was born they could already exist and be worn. What’s more, some historians place heels in the time of the Egyptians and ancient Greece. This type of heel was not as we know it now, but stood out for being made of cork wood and having a height of around 8 cm. Many of these heels were used to perform plays and were not part of the wardrobe of people on the street. In plays they were used to demonstrate the social class of each character. The higher the heel, the more money he had.


But to get to the heeled footwear that we know today, we do not have to travel back so many centuries, but rather we have to travel to the 15th century.


Evolution of heels:

During the 15th century, heeled footwear was very popular, both among men and women.


This trend began to change in the 17th century, when a type of footwear called Cha pines became fashionable in Venice. As was the case in theatrical performances, women wore a heel that marked their social class. The higher the heel, the better social class the woman was. The fashion was such that some women even wore heels up to 50 cm high, really crazy.


The poses of Louis XIV draw a lot of attention. This king always posed with high heels in his paintings. But it was not until the 18th century when the high-heeled shoe became footwear only for women and that is why men stopped wearing it. Starting in this century, high-heeled women’s shoes became popular and became more delicate shoes with a more curved design. On the other hand, men’s footwear began to be flatter, imitating more of a boot that we know today. Of course, high-heeled footwear became elegant footwear and height no longer indicated the social class of the woman who wore it. He did continue to show power, since the country woman did not have the money to wear such delicate footwear.

Evolution of High-Heeled Shoes.

As time has evolved, high-heeled footwear has lost importance for men, to the point that it has become a feminist sign.


But it must be made clear that high-heeled footwear lost prominence in both sexes during the period of enlightenment, although men hardly used them. This loss of prominence occurred because the woman began to change her lifestyle and she realized that in that period of time the heel was not useful at all. The abandonment was such that it was almost impossible to see a woman with heels on the street.


But once that historical period passed, the heel little by little regained prominence. It didn’t come back all at once, but more and more women wanted to wear this type of footwear again.


The evolution of the heel has not stopped to this day. As you can see, high-heeled footwear is still seen as feminine footwear, which is why men no longer wear this variety of footwear. If we look at women, we can see how they opt for this variety of footwear to enhance their figure and make it appear that they have taller legs.


What is clear is that today the high-heeled shoe is one of the most used footwear by women and is not missing from any women’s shoe rack. The success of this type of footwear is such that it is not difficult to find thousands of varieties of this footwear. And each woman likes to wear a different design of high heels, hence the stores are full of varieties of this footwear.


Now we only have to see if in the future the heel will have the same or more prominence, or on the other hand, women will see that it is not useful or comfortable and will therefore abandon it again. But this and this are already things of the future.

Evolution of High-Heeled Shoes.

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