Origin and history of silver

Origin and history of silver

Origin and history of silver

Origin and history of silver.

The origin of silver dates back millions of years and in this article our experts tell you everything about its history, its main uses and its origins.

Keep reading to learn more about this material so used in jewelry and be surprised by its fascinating history.

Origin and history of silver:

We all know some of the most common uses of silver throughout history, such as jewelry of all kinds, from necklaces to earrings to rings, as we can see at ElePlata.com , where they are experts in this type of jewelry and They have many pieces that are trendy.

But in addition, silver has been used as a decorative element for millions of years and we can find it in mirrors, tools and even in cultural or religious elements such as the famous Holy Week steps that are famous especially in the area of ​​Andalusia.


On the other hand, it is also a material widely used in roofs and, as it is a great conductor of electricity, it is used to make cables, batteries and even computer keyboards.

Historically silver has been used in the manufacture of weapons. We can find examples of this from the first arrowheads to today’s guns, including swords, spears and knives of all kinds.



At other levels such as surgery, silver nitrate has been used in many different aesthetic applications, such as to remove warts. It is also widely used in dental health to make fillings and other types of appliances using silver alloys.

Of course, many coins have also been made with silver throughout history and at the award level in all types of competitions, silver is the prize that the second places receive.


Without a doubt, silver is one of the most appreciated precious metals in the world, only behind platinum and gold, and has been used in jewelry for thousands of years.

According to recent discoveries, it is possible that silver reached Earth via asteroids from another Galaxy.


From the beginning of the civilization of Mesopotamia and Ancient Egypt are the first recorded uses of silver. It is believed that in the area of ​​Israel and what is now Turkey, humans managed to separate lead from silver in the 31st century BC and that later the Greeks and Phoenicians were the merchants who created the first silver coins and They began to use it for personal ornaments and to create weapons.


In Roman times:

many gold and silver deposits were located in Spain that attracted the attention of the Greeks, the Carthaginians, the Phoenicians and the Romans.

During these times, these resources were greatly exploited, also creating unique landscapes such as Las Médulas in León.


Centuries later, Spain managed to become the most important empire in the world and in order to maintain its economy it chose to extract precious metals from America, causing enormous inflation throughout Europe.

Río de la Plata is an area between Uruguay and Plata that is called this way because at first navigators considered that there was silver in its waters but this turned out to be false.


This is why Argentina is called this way since silver in Latin is argentum. Once the 19th century arrived, silver became a source of lead.

Two centuries ago, North America took over from South America, becoming the world’s leading exporter of silver (especially the area of ​​Canada, Mexico and Nevada).


In other:

Places in the world, Russia (in the Siberian region) and Australia also began to use their silver to create lead and zinc, which are necessary materials in the industrial era.

Starting in the last half of the 20th century, Poland became the leading producer of silver, since copper deposits with a lot of silver were discovered in this place, and since the 1980s, Peru and Mexico have continued to be one of the largest exporters of silver in the world. world.

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