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Best of Leonardo da Vinci’s creations

Best of Leonardo da Vinci’s creations

Best of Leonardo da Vinci’s creations.

Leonardo da Vinci is known for his work as an inventor, architect, scientist, botanist, musician and even engineer, but without a doubt, what he is most remembered for is his role as an artist. Below we present a special compilation of his best works. We assure you that they will not leave you indifferent since all of them used new techniques and, above all, an innovative and suggestive vision that he did not leave behind, and even today, does not leave anyone indifferent.


The Mona Lisa:

Without a doubt one of the artist’s most popular and well-known works is “La Gioconda” or “Mona Lisa”. It is a truly famous painting around the world, although everyone who sees it for the first time is usually struck by its small size. It is a truly original painting whose main innovation lies in the fact that the perception of depth that the artist gives in the work is truly refreshing for the work.


Furthermore, the identity of the Mona Lisa remains a mystery today and the technique used in a special blurring is truly impressive. This work has been reproduced in thousands of places around the world and stamped on all types of objects and is undoubtedly one of the artist’s best-known and most popular paintings that has become a symbol, not only of his work, but of Italy around of the world.

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The Last Supper:

The second of the most popular paintings of the artist is “The Last Supper.” It is a biblical scene in which Jesus and the apostles appear in what would be the last supper before the death of Jesus of Nazareth. This is a large mural located in the convent of Santa María in the Italian city of Milan. It was made in tempera and using oil paint on top of different layers of that and without a doubt it was also an advance for the time, so this work also became a symbol of Leonardo da Vinci and also has a multitude of reproductions around the world. world.


The Vitruvian Man:

Another of Da Vinci’s most popular paintings is the Vitruvian Man. It is a drawing with a lot of value and symbolism where the artist wanted to show the proportions of the human being. These are a kind of ideal dimensions for a person’s body, gait or general size. The work was prepared from a large study carried out by the artist taking data from some of his collaborators and without a doubt it is another of Leonardo da Vinci’s classics and has also been widely reproduced. Currently the original can be visited in Venice, specifically in the Accademia Gallery.


The Virgin and Child with Saint Anne:

Da Vinci’s next notable work can currently be found in the Louvre and is the Virgin and Child with Saint Anne. It is a truly famous and valued work that symbolizes the passion and sacrifices of the Christian Easter.


The Virgin of the Rocks:

The famous Virgin of the Rocks was made using the oil painting technique, but its originality lies in the fact that it was painted on a wooden board and in addition, although there have always been two models, recently, in the 21st century, a third was discovered. model.


Saint John Baptist:

Without a doubt the following canvas is also one of the most famous by Leonardo Da Vinci. This is Saint John the Baptist, for whom he took one of his students as a model. There are many unknowns surrounding this character, as is the case with the Mona Lisa, and that is why it is such a representative painting of the artist. There is talk above all about the smile and what Saint John the Baptist could be looking at and there are many interesting hypotheses and theories around it.


Lady with a stoat:

The portrait of a lady with an ermine is one of the most valued and important in all of Europe. It is believed to be Cecilia Gallerani, who was the owner of Ludovico Sforza, a powerful Duke of Milan who was one of Leonardo da Vinci’s patrons.


Portrait of Ginerva de Benci:

And finally, without a doubt another popular portrait created by Leonardo da Vinci is that of Ginerva de Benci. It is a spectacular painting that can be found in the National Gallery of Art in Washington and is very enigmatic because the character’s attitude is haughty and surprising like the rest of his works, especially his portraits, in which, in addition to the special The techniques he used greatly highlighted the gestures and the way in which he was able to portray and show the public the personality of each of those portrayed.


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