Classic Legends and Myths Represented in Art

Classic Legends and Myths Represented in Art

Classic Legends and Myths Represented in Art.

If you want to know the best classical legends, myths and stories and what their representation is in art, in this article we present some interesting examples. Read on to learn about the world’s most popular classic myths and legends.


The abduction of Europe:

First of all, we find one of the classic myths and legends that appears most in art. It is about the kidnapping of Europe. This myth is really used and represented in art, as well as Bacchus because they really are themes that appeal to freedom within a hierarchical society at the time when most works of art of this type were painted (the Baroque with the absolute monarchies).


That is to say: these paintings symbolized freedom in a total and wild way against absolutism, although many people did not understand it at the time they were made. This classic myth or legend has been represented in art many times, although the Baroque paintings stand out above all since it is the period in which the most symbolism can be found in this classic myth in relation to the time that the country was going through in those days. years.


The legend of San Cucufato:

Another of the most curious legends that exist is that of San Cucufato or Sant Cugat, as they call it in Catalonia. Saint Cucufato was a Christian saint who preached in the 3rd century and according to legend he was sentenced to death and survived several tragedies such as having his guts removed or being burned alive. Finally they locked him in a dungeon and those in charge of guarding him became Christians. In the end the legend says that God allowed him to die because he wanted to access heaven. Thus, this legend states that if you pray to him saying “San Cucufato I tie the eggs to you and until we find X I will not untie them” he will give you back everything you have lost. Once you find it, the best thing you can do is untie the knots, just in case.


This legend is represented in art in different paintings of a religious nature from different periods but above all its cultural references are related to folklore since there are many people who currently still pray to this saint and tie knots when they cannot find their things. tying knots in handkerchiefs or ropes so as not to untie them (as if they were the saint’s testicles) until he finds what he has lost.


Venus and Adonis:

On the other hand, we also have the classic myth or legend of Venus and Adonis that says that Myrrha received the wrath of Aphrodite that caused her to have an incest relationship with her father. When Aunt realized that they had deceived him, he chased her daughter and Mirra fled from her and asked the gods to protect her and then they turned her into a tree, the Myrrh tree. From the tree Adonis emerged as her son.


Aphrodite or Venus, totally in love with Adonis’ beauty, took him in and left him to Persephone to raise. Persephone was also fascinated by it and never returned it to Aphrodite, so Zeus finally had to intervene, who left the child a third of the year with each girl and the third with whoever he wanted.


Finally Adonis spent two thirds with Aphrodite and one third with Persephone, being two thirds outside and one third underground. He eventually died wounded by a boar that Artemis sent while he was hunting. It is a myth that has been widely represented in art by many artists and from many different points of view.

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