How to Restore Bronze Works of Art Without Damaging Them

How to Restore Bronze Works of Art Without Damaging Them

How to Restore Bronze Works of Art Without Damaging Them

How to Restore Bronze Works of Art Without Damaging Them.

Many works of art have been made from bronze. But like everything in this life, with the passage of time they become ugly, so we have to repair them to be able to enjoy all their beauty again. To help you, here are some ideas so you can repair bronze works of art without damaging them. As you can see, it is easier than it seems and the results will always be perfect.


How to Clean Bronze Artwork:

A good option for cleaning the work of art is to clean with soapy water , always being careful not to damage other parts of the work that may be affected. Then you will have to put a damp cloth and finally dry. This option will give you good results as long as the bronze color is not too aged.


If that option does not convince you, there is always the option of using pasta based on salt, flour and vinegar . A wipe with a damp cloth of the mixture should be enough. Once again, we just have to go through the area we are interested in cleaning.


If what we want to do is clean a bronze lamp, the best thing you can do is use transparent paste wax. Not only will it look good, but it will help the bronze have a good color for longer, thanks to the fact that this remedy helps the bronze have greater resistance to air and dirt.


How to clean antique gilt bronze:

As tells us , if we want to clean a bronze work of art, which stands out for being made of antique gilded bronze, then we will have to carry out the cleaning task in a special way.


The first thing we recommend you do as long as the jewelry or work of art allows us to do so is to immerse it in hot water that is mixed with a good quality detergent . The objective of this step is to remove the toughest dirt and grease, which will help achieve a perfect cleaning. Remember, this technique will not put the possible gold in the work at risk.

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When it is in the water we must rub the area to be treated with a toothbrush or brush. Depending on the dirt and color loss, we will have to brush more or less time. Normally the operation is quick, so it is not a tiring job.


Once we have carried out the operation, it is time to clarify the work of art. In this case I recommend doing it with clean water, being careful not to damage any weak parts. Don’t forget that you should never use ammonia or metal removers because this will damage the jewelry instead of repairing it, we will significantly damage it. Sometimes this damage can be irreparable, which is why this entire operation must always be carried out with the greatest possible care. Especially if it has a lot of value.


How to clean bronze figures:

If the work of art is a figure, we are going to show you the steps to make it look like new.


You can use the previous options, although in this case I recommend that you start by cleaning the figure with two parts of alcohol and a soapy solution . We mix well and immerse the figure in the mixture for a few minutes. Then we will have to polish the piece with a dry, soft cloth and you will be able to see how the figure regains its original color.


If for any reason you can’t use that formula or it doesn’t work, then I recommend using red wine to clean them. In this case you will have to moisten the cloth with the wine at room temperature or slightly hot. Then it is time to rub the cloth over the figure and you will quickly see how the figure regains the appropriate color.


And if no natural method gives you results or you don’t dare to use it for any reason, you always have the option of buying a special bronze cleaner, which is usually not expensive. With them you will also be able to maintain the natural shine of the bronze of the figure and thus make it last much longer. The important thing is to keep the figure or jewel in perfect condition so that it does not lose value or elegance.

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