Information About Egyptian Art

Information About Egyptian Art

Information About Egyptian Art

Information About Egyptian Art.


Egyptian Art:

brings together the historical, the mysterious and the mythical of art history.

This civilization was capable of creating architecture, sculpture and painting of overwhelming beauty.

This art is closely related to the environment in which it is developed. We highlight its geography, which makes Egypt a place of difficult access and communications, so its art is closed to outside influences.

The materials they used are also part of the characteristics of the medium.

Egyptian art is not an independent or autonomous art but is continually linked to the pharaoh, that is, to the religion that existed at the time.


Religion is a fundamental factor in Egyptian culture and art. It is a religion with many gods, that is, polytheistic, but with a tendency towards monotheism since in each small region they worshiped mainly one and secondarily the others.

These divinities were represented as human figures with some symbols, although some were later syncretized. Sometimes they have an animal head and other times they are a complete animal.

The forms of expression of the Egyptians are always subject to certain rules; it is a stereotyped art in which the precision and perfection of the finish is valued more than originality itself. That is why it is quite monotonous and homogeneous.

Furthermore, this art has a great magical and symbolic meaning.

Information About Egyptian Art.


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