Origin Of Modern Art

Origin Of Modern Art

Origin Of Modern Art

Origin Of Modern Art.

The period from the Second World War to the mid-seventies of the 20th century is the most prolific in the entire history of art.

During those years, a multitude of more or less structured trends and movements took place at a rapid pace. Most of these artistic manifestations have an international character, although in some there are significant differences locally.

Origin Of Modern Art
Origin Of Modern Art


The innovative stance of the artists of this period produced an opening of the delimitations or borders of the artistic field that led to the disappearance of the features inherent to what is truly artistic.


Modern art showed that the deformation of the objects that were represented was not involuntary, but deliberate, artistic, sought in order to satisfy a certain poetic conception of things.


The sacrifice of reason, this irrationalism is what modern art has asserted above traditional norms.

Modern art is therefore defined as irrationalism in its broadest form. However, we can say that irrationalism is a necessary condition of art, and that it is present in all artistic expressions of humanity, so it cannot be considered something peculiar to modern art.


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But taking into account that modern art is the most artistic, the purest as art, “art for art’s sake”, it is understood in what sense the previous definition is true; because the purest, most absolute aesthetic irrationalism that humanity has known must be seen in modern art.



None of the irrationalisms of the previous arts, of a mystical, popular or traditional nature, were completely irrational since they were always linked to some form of meaning, that is, to understanding.

In the irrationalism of modern art there is no room for any kind of meaning, it is an objectivist irrationalism.


This means that it considers irrationality as an essential property of the object and not as an internal defect of consciousness. Modern art owes its deeply revolutionary and unpopular character to this conception.


According to this conception, the representations of mystics as well as those of madmen acquire objective validity, they refer to the same reality as the representations of laymen and sane people.

In other words, it considers that lack of significance, that is, irrationality, is an essential and natural quality of reality that confronts our understanding.

modern art:

The first works of modern art correspond to the romantic and realist movements. Later, they began to play with light and space, through painting and color, which gave rise to impressionism and post-impressionism .


A few years before World War I, the movements of Cubism , Fauvism , Expressionism and Futurism developed . Later came surrealism .


From the 50s and 60s onwards, other forms of expression of modern art such as abstract expressionism , pop-art and minimalism began to appear.

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