
What is the origin of the names of the months in the year?

What is the origin of the names of the months in the year?

What is the origin of the names of the months in the year?


We use them practically every day of our lives and we always keep them in mind, whether to organize our vacations, our work days or our projects. Do we know where the names of the months of the year come from? Below we explain the origin of all the months.


What is the origin of the names of the months in the year:

The calendar as a measure of time has been used for many years, but the one that has survived to this day is inherited from the Roman Empire. Originally this calendar only had ten months and was not aligned with astronomical cycles, but later it was adapted to the solar calendar based on the Egyptian model. Then the Gregorian calendar arrived, but the names that the Romans used to name the months and that derive from different emperors, gods and numbers continued to be preserved.


January was one of the months that had to be added and refers to Iano, the god who protected doors and entrances and who lives up to his name by inaugurating the calendar. It should be noted that the year begins in January for the Hispania campaign, since before it began in March. February refers to Pluto, also called February. This month was dedicated to him to appease all his anger against the population. March comes from the god of war Mars since this month is when the war campaigns in the legions of Rome always began.


April comes from Venus or Aphrodite and means foam, making it a month especially dedicated to fertility and which fits perfectly with spring. Mayo is a special tribute to the elders, elders and protectors of the town, although there are people who consider that the name derives from the goddess Maya who was the wife of Vulcan. June undoubtedly refers to young people (junior), being the perfect month for them while July comes directly from Julius Caesar because he was born in that month. He is also represented with a reaper because that was when the wheat was harvested.


Another month that pays tribute to an emperor is August with Augustus, who chose this month because it was the time when he was able to defeat Mark Antony and Cleopatra. Before he was called Sextilis and he was only 30 days old. September comes from seven because it was previously the seventh month and it is also dedicated to Vulcan and is usually represented with scenes of the grape harvest because it is the appropriate month for it. October also comes from eight because it has preserved its name based on its order in origin. This month was symbolized by both the harvest and the sowing.


The same thing happens with November, which also has the same name but as a curiosity to note that its days changed for years until Augustus arrived, who established the 30 days and that is how it has survived to this day. Finally, December, the last month of the year, is still called that because it was originally the tenth month, although currently we all know that it occupies the twelfth position.


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