10 essential places on a visit to Egypt

10 essential places on a visit to Egypt

10 essential places on a visit to Egypt

10 essential places on a visit to Egypt.

Are you considering an incredible vacation in Egypt? If so, you cannot miss this article. Below we present the 10 essential places that you cannot miss if you are going to travel to or visit Egypt. Look carefully and start organizing your trip as soon as possible so you don’t miss anything.


The pyramids of Giza:

Without a doubt a classic and one of the most famous places in all of Egypt. Specifically, the only one that has survived and reached our times. They are located less than 20 kilometers from Cairo and Khafre, Cheops and Mycerinus (the pyramids dedicated to them) are incredible temples that receive millions of tourists every year. In the same place is the famous sphinx in charge of protecting the pyramids, as we read in this guide to traveling to Egypt .


Abu Simbel:

Also known as The Great Temple of Ramses II, it is located on the bank of the Nasser River and without a doubt you cannot miss it. It is impressive both for its location and for its statues. But their stories are also incredible. It is said that it was built so that on October 21 and February 21 (birthday and coronation), light would enter the sanctuary. This is just one of the many interesting stories that this temple hides.


Philae Temple:

The Temple of Philae was built to worship the popular goddess Isis. Its surroundings are incredible because it is located on an island and it is undoubtedly worth knowing. It used to be on Philae Island, hence its name. But it was flooded, so it is currently located on Agilka Island.

10 essential places on a visit to Egypt
10 essential places on a visit to Egypt

Karnak Temple

This temple is probably the most visited attraction in Egypt after the Pyramids due to its spectacular nature. It is a World Heritage Site. In this place you can find more temples such as the temple of Amun and even a sacred lake. You can see sculptures in optimal condition, which is truly wonderful.

Related : The History of the Nile River in Ancient Egypt

Kom Ombo:

The next temple is quite curious because until the Aswan dam was built it was submerged by water when the Nile River flooded. Its state of conservation is worse but it is still worth visiting to see the double temple, its patios, its rooms and even its fantastic sanctuaries. Illuminated, it is worth knowing and even houses the Crocodile Museum, with different mummies of these animals.


Deir El-Bahari:

In addition to the above, near the Valley of the Kings is the funerary complex of Deir El Bahari along with the Temple of Hatshepsut. It is a place with terraces located in the rock that is worth knowing because it is a great gift for any visitor.


Luxor Temple:

And without a doubt another of the most popular is the Temple of Luxor. It is a temple almost 300 meters long that is located in what was Thebes. It is very well preserved and was created to honor the sun god. this was probably only built for a procession that took place once a year, and it remained as a legacy forever and ever. The Romans used it as a military camp, but it is undoubtedly one of the best preserved temples in Egypt. In addition, it is part, along with the Valley of the Kings, of the Thebes Valley and its Necropolis, having been declared a World Heritage Site in 1979.


The famous Valley of the Kings:

Very close to the famous Luxor is located, as we already explained, the Valley of the Kings. It is a desert place where almost all the pharaohs of the New Empire can be found, as well as their families and even their animals. It is made up of the East valley, where the tombs of the kings are located, the West or valley of the Queens and the Valley of the Monkeys. The Valley of the Kings is part of Thebes and its necropolis. In addition, this valley was declared a World Heritage Site in 1979. Source: Tripadvisor .


Temple of Horus:

The next attraction that you cannot miss is the Temple of Horus. This is located in the westernmost part of the Nile River, and is also called the Temple of Edfu due to its location in this city. It is the second largest temple after Karnak. It is a very beautiful temple that is worth knowing. For years it was buried but in 1860 it was rediscovered and currently its state of conservation is optimal.


The Pyramid of Djoser:

And last but not least, we find the famous Pyramid of Djoser, also called by many the step pyramid. This is an attraction that is understood to have been the prototype for the famous pyramids of Giza, as well as for the rest of the Pyramids of Egypt. It measures 60 meters and has steps with the most variable heights that leave no one indifferent. It is the tomb of Pharaoh Djoser and is undoubtedly one of the places that you cannot miss on a visit to Egypt.


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